Induction Liner | Packaging: Household Chemical

IPRO Home Application Packaging VentsHousehold Chemical Products Induction Liner

Induction Liner

Due to formula or chemicals instability and change in temperatures and altitudes, household chemical casings may collapse or bulge during packaging and transportation process. The induction liners can solve the above problems by equalizing pressure to ensure the stability and safety of packaging and transportation.

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Product Application : Induction Liner


Induction liners include PE foam induction liners and aluminum foil induction liners, which are made by welding aluminum foil liners or PE foam liners together with breathable membranes using ultrasonic or hot-melting method. Both have simple designs and customized sizes, as well as excellent resistance to chemicals and surfactants, plus outstanding air permeability. They are easy to install and suitable for small volume packaging (less than 5L), thus are widely used in household chemicals packaging.


Most of the production processes of induction liners are completed in the clean room. First inspections and patrol inspections are performed for each batch of products with strictest process control to avoid pollutions from solid particles and oil, and reduce product defects.

Key Features
  • Excellent Chemical Resistance
  • High Cleanliness
  • Pressure Equalization
  • Long Service Life
  • Multiple Sizes Available
  • Good Product Stability

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